CCCApply offers several tools to help you find the educational program and college that is right for you.
- Locate and Compare Colleges: Find the California community college that is right for you based on location or the programs offered.
- A Degree with a Guarantee - Associate Degree for Transfer: Get a degree at a California community college and streamline transfer to a CSU campus.
- ASSIST transfer and articulation information: See how courses you've taken will transfer to other colleges and universities in California.
- UC Transfer Pathways: Explore streamlined paths to prepare for 20 top majors at any UC campus.
- California Virtual Campus: Find online courses offered by California colleges.
- CalAbroad: Check out opportunities to study abroad through the California Community Colleges.
- California CareerZone: An interactive tool for exploring exciting jobs.
Other websites with California community college information:
- California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office: CCC information and services.
- Career Education: What are career education programs? Quite simply, they are the more than 200 pathways that allow students to learn by exploring, collaborating and doing. Get the skills you need for the jobs of today and into the future.
- CCC Student Success Scorecard: Track student progress and success at California's community colleges.
- Statewide information center with student portfolios.